Coil ea tšepe ea silicon

  • GB Oriented Silicon Steel & Non-Oriented Silicon Steel

    GB Oriented Silicon Steel & Non-Oriented Silicon Steel

    Li-coil tsa tšepe tsa silicon li sebelisoa haholo liindastering tse fapaneng bakeng sa thepa ea tsona e ntle ea makenete. Leha ho le joalo, likhoele tsena li tla ka mefuta e fapaneng, e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e loketse lits'ebetso tse ikhethileng. Ka ho utloisisa likarolo le ts'ebeliso ea e 'ngoe le e' ngoe, u ka etsa liqeto tse nang le tsebo ha u khetha tšepe e nepahetseng ea silicon bakeng sa litlhoko tsa hau tse khethehileng.

  • Litheko tsa GB Standard Motlakase tsa Silicon Steel Sheet Coil

    Litheko tsa GB Standard Motlakase tsa Silicon Steel Sheet Coil

    Silicon steel e bua ka Fe-Si soft magnetic alloy, e tsejoang hape e le tšepe ea motlakase. Karolo ea boima ba silicon steel Si ke 0.4% ~ 6.5%. E na le matla a phahameng a matla a khoheli, boleng ba tahlehelo ea tšepe e tlase, thepa e ntle haholo ea makenete, tahlehelo ea mantlha e tlase, matla a matla a ho kenella ka matla a khoheli, ts'ebetso e ntle ea ho phunya, boleng bo botle ba holim'a poleiti ea tšepe, le ts'ebetso e ntle ea filimi ea insulation. jj.

  • GB Mill Standard 0.23mm 0.27mm 0.3mm Silicon Steel Sheet Coil

    GB Mill Standard 0.23mm 0.27mm 0.3mm Silicon Steel Sheet Coil

    Silicon steel, eo hape e tsejoang e le tšepe ea motlakase, ke mofuta o ikhethileng oa tšepe o etselitsoeng ho bonts'a thepa e ikhethang ea makenete. Hangata e sebelisoa ha ho etsoa li-transformer, li-motors tsa motlakase le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa motlakase.

    Ho eketsoa ha silicon ho tšepe ho thusa ho ntlafatsa matla a eona a motlakase le a makenete, ho etsa hore e be thepa e loketseng bakeng sa lits'ebetso moo ho hlokahalang tahlehelo ea mantlha le matla a matla a khoheli. Silicon steel hangata e etsoa ka mokhoa oa lishiti tse tšesaane, tse entsoeng ka laminate kapa likhoele ho fokotsa tahlehelo ea hona joale ea eddy le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso e felletseng ea lisebelisoa tsa motlakase.

    Li-coil tsena li ka 'na tsa e-ba le mekhoa e khethehileng ea ho koala le ho phekoloa ka holim'a metsi ho ntlafatsa litšobotsi tsa bona tsa makenete le ts'ebetso ea motlakase. Sebopeho le ts'ebetso e nepahetseng ea li-coil tsa tšepe tsa silicon li ka fapana ho latela ts'ebeliso e reriloeng le litlhoko tsa ts'ebetso.

    Likhoele tsa tšepe tsa silicon li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ts'ebetsong e nepahetseng le e ts'epahalang ea lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa motlakase 'me ke likarolo tsa bohlokoa tlhahisong, phetisong le ts'ebelisong ea matla a motlakase.

  • GB Standard Silicon Motlakase Coil ASTM Tekanyetso bakeng sa ho Sebelisa Motlakase ho Seha Litšebeletso tsa ho Kobela li Fumaneha

    GB Standard Silicon Motlakase Coil ASTM Tekanyetso bakeng sa ho Sebelisa Motlakase ho Seha Litšebeletso tsa ho Kobela li Fumaneha

    Li-coil tsa tšepe tsa silicon li sebelisoa haholo liindastering tse fapaneng bakeng sa thepa ea tsona e ntle ea makenete. Leha ho le joalo, likhoele tsena li tla ka mefuta e fapaneng, e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e loketse lits'ebetso tse ikhethileng. Ka ho utloisisa likarolo le ts'ebeliso ea e 'ngoe le e' ngoe, u ka etsa liqeto tse nang le tsebo ha u khetha tšepe e nepahetseng ea silicon bakeng sa litlhoko tsa hau tse khethehileng.

  • GB Standard Silicon Lamination Steel Coil/Strip/Sheet, Relay Steel le Transformer Steel

    GB Standard Silicon Lamination Steel Coil/Strip/Sheet, Relay Steel le Transformer Steel

    Likhoele tsa tšepe tsa silicon tseo re motlotlo ka tsona li na le conductivity e phahameng haholo ea makenete le litšobotsi tse tlase tsa tahlehelo. Har'a tsona, taolo e nepahetseng ea dikahare tsa silicon e etsa hore letlapa la tšepe la silicon le be le matla a matla a ho kenella ka matla a khoheli le tahlehelo e tlase ea eddy hajoale, ka hona ho fokotsa tahlehelo ea matla nakong ea ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa, 'me phello ea ho boloka matla le phokotso ea tlhahiso e ea hlolla. Ntle le moo, tšepe ea tšepe ea silicon e boetse e bonts'a ts'ebetso e ntle ea ho kuta le ts'ebetso ea welding, e etsa hore ts'ebetso e be bonolo le e sebetsang hantle, e fihlelle litlhoko tsa indasteri ea sejoale-joale bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse phahameng, tse bolokang matla le ts'ireletso ea tikoloho.

  • 50w600 50w800 50w1300 e sa shebaneng le lijo-thollo e batang e kentsoeng ka matla a khoheli GB Coil e tloaelehileng ea tšepe ea silicon

    50w600 50w800 50w1300 e sa shebaneng le lijo-thollo e batang e kentsoeng ka matla a khoheli GB Coil e tloaelehileng ea tšepe ea silicon

    Tahlehelo ea mantlha ea tšepe ea silicon (e bitsoang tahlehelo ea tšepe) le matla a ho kenella ka matla a khoheli (ho thoeng ke induction ea makenete) joalo ka boleng ba tiiso ea sehlahisoa. Tahlehelo e tlase ea tšepe ea silicon e ka boloka motlakase o mongata, ea eketsa nako ea ts'ebetso ea li-motors le li-transformer le ho nolofatsa sistimi ea pholileng. Tahlehelo ea matla e bakiloeng ke tšenyo ea tšepe ea silicon e etsa 2.5% ~ 4.5% ea tlhahiso ea selemo le selemo ea matla, eo tahlehelo ea tšepe ea transformer e etsang hoo e ka bang 50%, 1 ~ 100kW motor e nyane e etsa karolo ea 30%, le litlaleho tsa lebone la fluorescent. hoo e ka bang 15%.

  • GB Standard Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Crgo Methapo ea Tšepe ea Motlakase Bakeng sa Magnetic Transformer Ei Iron Core

    GB Standard Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Crgo Methapo ea Tšepe ea Motlakase Bakeng sa Magnetic Transformer Ei Iron Core

    Silicon steel coil ke lerata le bobebe, le tlase, lisebelisoa tse matla tsa makenete tse entsoeng ka poleiti ea tšepe ea silicon ea motlakase. Ka lebaka la theknoloji e khethehileng ea ho qapa le ho sebetsana le tšepe ea tšepe ea silicon, e na le matla a phahameng a ho phunyeletsa, tahlehelo e tlaase ea tšepe le matla a tlaase a matla a ho kenya matla a khoheli, a etsang hore e sebelisoe haholo indastering ea matla.

  • GB Standard Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Crgo Electrical Silicon Steel Sheet Coil Prices

    GB Standard Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Crgo Electrical Silicon Steel Sheet Coil Prices

    Silicon steel e bua ka Fe-Si soft magnetic alloy, e tsejoang hape e le tšepe ea motlakase. Karolo ea boima ba silicon steel Si ke 0.4% ~ 6.5%. E na le matla a phahameng a matla a khoheli, boleng ba tahlehelo ea tšepe e tlase, thepa e ntle haholo ea makenete, tahlehelo ea mantlha e tlase, matla a matla a ho kenella ka matla a khoheli, ts'ebetso e ntle ea ho phunya, boleng bo botle ba holim'a poleiti ea tšepe, le ts'ebetso e ntle ea filimi ea insulation. jj.

  • GB Standard Core Single Three Phase Transformer Core Style Silicon Lamination Iron Silicon Electrical Steel Coils

    GB Standard Core Single Three Phase Transformer Core Style Silicon Lamination Iron Silicon Electrical Steel Coils

    Ho na le mefuta e mengata ea likhoele tsa tšepe tsa silicon, ho kenyeletsoa li-coil tsa tšepe tse phahameng tsa silicon, li-coil tsa tšepe tse tlase tse lahleheloang ke tšepe, li-coil tse phahameng tsa ferromagnetic saturation tse utloang silicon, li-coil tsa tšepe tse tlase tse lahleheloang ke tšepe, jj.

  • GB e Tloaelehileng ea Boleng bo Phahameng le Likhoele tsa Tšepe tsa Motlakase tse Rold-Rolled tse sa Lebeletsoang.

    GB e Tloaelehileng ea Boleng bo Phahameng le Likhoele tsa Tšepe tsa Motlakase tse Rold-Rolled tse sa Lebeletsoang.

    Coil ea tšepe ea silicon e na le mefuta e mengata ea ts'ebeliso ea lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tse kang li-motors le li-transformer. Mefuta e fapaneng ea coil ea tšepe ea silicon e na le litšobotsi tse fapaneng le maemo a ts'ebeliso. Ho khetha khoele e nepahetseng ea tšepe ea silicon ho bohlokoa haholo ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla a lisebelisoa tsa motlakase le ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla.

  • GB Standard Oriented Silicon Steel Price Advantage Boleng bo Phahameng

    GB Standard Oriented Silicon Steel Price Advantage Boleng bo Phahameng

    Silicon alloy steel e nang le silicon content ea 1.0 ~ 4.5% le carbon content e ka tlase ho 0.08% e bitsoa silicon steel. E na le litšoaneleho tsa ho phunyeha ho phahameng, ho qobella ho fokolang le ho hanyetsa ho hoholo, kahoo tahlehelo ea hysteresis le tahlehelo ea hona joale ea eddy e nyenyane. E sebelisoa haholo-holo e le lisebelisoa tsa makenete ho li-motors, li-transformer, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase.

  • Mofani oa Sechaena Non-Oriented Silicon Steel Silicon Steel Coil Bakeng sa Kaho

    Mofani oa Sechaena Non-Oriented Silicon Steel Silicon Steel Coil Bakeng sa Kaho

    E le ho finyella litlhoko tsa ho phunya le ho kuta ha ho etsoa lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, ho boetse ho hlokahala hore ho be le polasetiki e itseng. E le ho ntlafatsa ts'oaetso ea makenete le ho fokotsa tahlehelo ea hysteresis, lintho tse sa hloekang tse kotsi li hlokeha hore li be tlase ka hohle kamoo ho ka khonehang, 'me sebopeho sa poleiti se hlokeha ho ba sephara le boleng ba bokaholimo bo botle.

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